Category Archives: Städte

Stone Town. Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa

Renate Egger Stone Town. Zanzibar, Tanzania, Africa, 2015

Posted in Africa, Building, Fotografie, Städte, Tanzania, Zanzibar | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment


Wilhelm Roseneder Guides, 1998-2003 Portland, Barcelona, London, Madrid, Washington, Beverly Hills, Soho (NY), Greenwich (NY), San Francisco. Öl auf Aluminium/Oil on aluminium, 104×155 cm Facts & Visions. Erbsenschälfabrik, Bruckneudorf, Burgenland, Austria 2005

Posted in Aluminium, Austria, Cities, Collection, Composition, Fine art, Oil painting, Städte | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Goldene Erweiterung/Golden expansion. Street art project. Rome, Italy

Renate Egger and Wilhelm Roseneder Goldene Erweiterung/Golden expansion Street art project – temporary installation in public space. Rome, Italy 2011

Posted in Abstract, Acryl, Acrylic, Acryllack, Airiel drier, Art, Art & Nature, Artist in Residence, Building, Cities, Clothes-dryer, Collection, Collection from the street, Colour, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Erweiterung, Erweiterung/Expansion, Exhibition, Expansion, Festival, Fine art, Fotografie, Found objects, Garden, Garten, Geschichte, Gold, Golden expansion, Goldene Erweiterung, History, Installation, Italia, Italy, Kunst & Natur, Lack, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Nature, Painting, Photography, Polyurethan, Polyurethane, Public space, Recycling, Renate Egger, Roma, Rome, Sammlung, Sculpture, Scultura, Skulptur, State of the art, Städte, Street, Street art, Street art project, Temporary installation, Uncategorized, Varnish, Video, Villa, Wäschtrockner, Wilhelm Roseneder | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Kreuzung II

Wilhelm Roseneder Kreuzung II, 1996 Öl auf Leinwand/Oil on canvas, 40×60 cm

Posted in Abstract, Art, Austria, Cities, Collection, Colour, Composition, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Geschichte, History, Memory, Museum, Oil painting, Painting, Sammlung, State of the art, Städte, Uncategorized, Vienna, Wilhelm Roseneder | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Spiegelung/Reflection. Tulpen/Tulips

Renate Egger Spiegelung/Reflection. Tulpen/Tulips, 2011

Posted in Abstract, Art, Art & Nature, Austria, Blumen, Blumenstrauß, Bunch of flowers, Collection, Colour, Composition, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Fotografie, Fotografische Stillleben, Frühling, Geschichte, Herbarium, History, Installation, Kunst & Natur, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Nature, Photography, Reflection, Renate Egger, Sammlung, Shadow, Spiegelung, Spring, State of the art, Städte, Still-life, Still-life photography, Stillleben, Temporary installation, Uncategorized, Vienna | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Goldene Erweiterung/Golden expansion. Street art project. Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Renate Egger and Wilhelm Roseneder Goldene Erweiterung/Golden expansion, 2011 Street art project – temporary installation in public space. Photography and video. Artour-o il must. Temporary Museum. Florence, Tuscany, Italy, March 2011

Posted in Abstract, Acryl, Acrylic, Acryllack, Airiel drier, Art, Art & Nature, Cities, Clothes-dryer, Collection, Collection from the street, Colour, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Erweiterung, Erweiterung/Expansion, Exhibition, Expansion, Festival, Fine art, Firenze, Florence, Fotografie, Found objects, Frühling, Geschichte, Golden expansion, Goldene Erweiterung, History, Installation, Italia, Italy, Kunst & Natur, Licht, Light, Memory, Painting, Photography, Polyurethan, Polyurethane, Public space, Recycling, Renate Egger, Sammlung, Sculpture, Scultura, Skulptur, Spring, State of the art, Städte, Street, Street art, Street art project, Temporary installation, Toscana, Tuscany, Uncategorized, Video, Wäschtrockner, Wilhelm Roseneder | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Eisenstadt. Sternenlandschaft Nr. 14100610. Landscapes. Landesgalerie Burgenland. Eisenstadt, Burgenland, Austria

Wilhelm Roseneder Landscapes Landesgalerie Burgenland. Eisenstadt, Burgenland, Austria Ausstellung/Exhibition: 24. Jänner – 30. März 2014 Eisenstadt. Sternenlandschaft Nr. 14100610, 2010

Posted in Abstract, Aquarell, Arbeiten auf Papier, Art, Art & Nature, Austria, Chinese ink, Chinesische Tusche, Cities, Collection, Colour, Composition, Constellation, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Geschichte, History, Ink, Kunst & Natur, Landscape, Landschaft, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Nature, Painting, Sammlung, State of the art, Städte, Sternenbild, Tusche, Uncategorized, Universe, Watercolour, Weltall, Wilhelm Roseneder, Work on paper | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Memory collection # 12133

Renate Egger Memory collection, 12133, 2012/2013 Installation, photography Serie: Fotografische Stillleben/Still life photography

Posted in Africa, Art, Austria, Blumen, Blumenstrauß, Bunch of flowers, Collection, Colour, Composition, Contemporary art, Croatia, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Flowers, Fotografie, Fotografische Stillleben, Found objects, Geschichte, Herbarium, History, Installation, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Photography, Renate Egger, Sammlung, Shadow, State of the art, Städte, Still-life, Stillleben, Tanzania, Temporary installation, Vienna, Zanzibar | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Memory collection #12134

Renate Egger Memory collection #12134, 2012/13 Installation, photography Serie: Fotografische Stillleben/Still life photography

Posted in Art, Austria, Blumen, Blumenstrauß, Bunch of flowers, Cities, Collection, Colour, Composition, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Fotografie, Fotografische Stillleben, Found objects, Geschichte, Herbarium, History, Installation, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Photography, Renate Egger, Sammlung, State of the art, Städte, Still-life, Still-life photography, Stillleben, Temporary installation, Uncategorized, Vienna | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Übertragene Ordnung II

Wilhelm Roseneder Übertragene Ordnung II, 2002 Aquarell auf Papier/Watercolor on paper, 30,3×22,8 cm

Posted in Abstract, Aquarell, Arbeiten auf Papier, Art, Austria, Cities, Collection, Colour, Composition, Contemporary art, Erinnerung, Exhibition, Festival, Fine art, Geschichte, History, Licht, Light, Memory, Museum, Sammlung, State of the art, Städte, Uncategorized, Vienna, Watercolour, Wilhelm Roseneder, Work on paper | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment